Alaska Junior Theater is excited to bring you our
2023-2024 “Season of Legends”!
Please take a moment to review this season’s shows, and sign up now to reserve your space by following the guidelines below. Ticket prices will be at a low price of $10 per seat.
Print out a teacher registration form. Please complete the registration form, indicating your best approximation of the total seats you will need (including teacher and chaperones), and please be sure to do one individual registration form per teacher. Remember to include the number of scholarships you may need.
Include a $40 deposit per show in order to demonstrate your commitment to attending the event for which you are registering. With each $40 deposit, you will receive one free ticket. A deposit also ensures priority placement in your reservation status.
You can fax or email your completed registration form to us at 907-272-3035, or you can mail it to Alaska Junior Theater, 430 W 7th Ave, Suite 30, Anchorage, AK 99501.
Bus transportation will be provided if the teacher(s) fulfill the busing requirements (see bus capacity guidelines). Please click here for busing capacity guidelines. For classes attending from Mat-Su Valley schools interested in applying for an Arts Excursion Grant or a Target Field Trip Grant to pay for bus transportation, click here (AKSCA) and here (Target) for detailed information.
Scholarships are available for those students who cannot afford the $10 ticket price. We will accommodate as many requests as possible on a first-come, first-served basis.
Final numbers will be due for your class size and chaperones, along with your final payment three weeks prior to the show’s opening.
Schedule & Payment Process
Provide your students with a permission slip.
Your reservation is in the teacher who registers’ name, so please let us know if you change schools or grade levels or if changes are made to classes in the interim.
Study Guides are provided at least one month prior to each show and are available on each artist page and in our Downloads Section of this website.
To help you with lesson planning, a group of teachers outlined direct connections between our performances and the Alaska Content Standards (available with each performance’s study guides).