Payment Process
1. Scheduling
Approximately six weeks prior to show week, we will schedule the teachers into the show. Scheduling willl be done first based on if a deposit has been paid and then on a first-come, first-served bases. Requests are taken into consideration when scheduling, but requests are a not guarantee. Please be specific if there are dates and times you cannot attend.
2. Confirmation/Invoices
Your confirmation invoices will be faxed to the number given to us on the registration form. Do not lose this sheet. All important show related information is given to you on your confirmation including: the date/time of your performance, summary of fees, number of seats given, number of scholarships given, balance due, and payment deadline date. Be sure to carefully look through all the information given, it may be different than what you requested!
3. Payment
All payments and final numbers are DUE three weeks prior to show week. (Please send out permission slips well in advance to get accurate final numbers and to ensure not paying out of your own pocket.) Teachers are financially responsible for the number of seats reserved after the payment deadline day. If you are unable to come to the show, you must cancel before the payment deadline day, or you will be charged for the number of seats reserved. If you continually pay for more seats than need, take that into account when giving final numbers.
Example payment scenarios:
Mr. Smith has reserved 30 seats, but 2 of his kids have left since the time of registration. He only needs 28 seats, and calls us on the payment deadline date to give his final numbers and payment. He will only be charged for 28 seats.
Ms. Johnson has reserved 45 seats. She contacts us 3 days after the payment deadline with her payment and final number of 37 seats. She will be charged for 45 seats.
Mrs. Robins has originally reserved 35 seats. She contacts us on the payment deadline date and says that she can’t pay for another week but that her final number is 32. In a week, she calls back with the payment, and tells us that her number is now 28. She will be charged for 32 seats.
Refunds are not permitted once payment has been given. Reserving a seat is the same as buying a ticket to any show and it is not refundable.
4. Confirmation
Once payment has been received, a payment confirmation will be emailed to each teacher individually.